Category Archives: My AKC Gallery

alan b. meschkow has dedicated his entire career to producing “art that works” not works of art. Recently he has re-discovered his childhood joy “pencil illustration” now he has started a gallery Specializing solely in dog portraits

Commission an Original Pencil Portrait…or become a fan

gallery opening
Zara and alan

Please fill out the contact form. If you would like me to call include a US Phone Number. I will call or email you upon receipt. Please Include Dog Name, Breed, Age, any discount code in Message Block. Or to become a fan just include in the message area “make me a Fan

alan at work
Thank you I will be in touch soon…

[contact-form-7 id=”1835″ title=”Commission an Original Pencil Portrait…”]

For your security please give me permission to contact you in reference to your pets portrait by entering (please contact me) in Subject Block.