In 2019 my grand daughter asked me to build her a doll house and for her 7th birthday she got her doll house. She is now 9 and enjoys it all the time.
So in 2020 when my grandson requested a garage and repair shop where someone could live; the challenge was on.

The project had to be started when I was in Florida that presented problems in itself because my garage workshop is our New York home not my Florida condo. Working neatly in limited space was a skill I learned early in life growing up with a clean freak Mom. So A small work space between a folding table and 2 futon draws became my living room workspace. I knew that no kit existed to do what I wanted to create so I combined 2 1/24 scale garage kits and my own scratch built parts into my plan. ….I ordered the kits and when I received them the work began. After a long conversation with MJ I had a good idea of what he wanted, what name should go on the sign, what colors should be used and a general layout of the total project….work began first with a cardboard and foam core mock up incorporating the 2 garage kits…. With that accomplished I moved on to cutting and prepping the base and wood panels what would become the actual build.

You can’t cut wood in the living room so the terrace became the wood shop and all the panels were cut; all cutting that made sawdust was done on the terrace. The base was cut at a local Home Depot. Hobby lobby is my go to for craft supplies and I have them in FL & NY.
With everything ready I could start the build but it had to be disassembled to get back to NY. I have done many projects in NY that went to Florida so that was easy; Heath visits in April by car so I had 5 months to get ready to send it home with him. I knew it would not be complete but well on its way and require re-assembly, paint and detailing in NY.

Work continued and MJ got progress reports, and in April it was broken down packed and ready for NY. When I got home in may I realized I needed more work bench space so before unpacking I built additional work bench area in the garage. That done work commenced. Working in the garage made life easy and in just a few weeks the project was completed. From a wish the garage became a reality complete with a 1/24 scale car, gas pumps and operating lift. A roadway area was added and the sign saying “Stop Fix Cars Here” was up the garage was delivered to MJ on his birthday and all the tools and interior shop equipment was put in place…more important a promise was kept by Poppy!

This photo makes it all worthwhile! Follow the link for a video of the complete build.….
No words…just awe!