Whippets are an amazing breed of dogs, to watch them run is poetry in motion, to watch them walk is purely elegant, watching them chase a lure is pure excitement and having them as part of your family is an experience that can be sheer joy, absolute frustration, or a battle of who’s running this operation.

Anyone who knows us knows; almost 6 years ago we brought home this tiny little runt of the litter “Zara” a champion breed Whippet who has become an integral part of our entire family.
In her first year with us she was certified for service, qualified for AKC competition, and more importantly stole the hearts of us to our grand children.
I am sure this happens with many family pets, but having been a long time pet owner of other breeds “there is just something for many of us in those expressive eyes of a Sight Hound”.
For all the joy Zara gives us there are many things that whippet owners must consider and take seriously and that is why I am writing this post based on my experience and opinions.
Owning a whippet; takes a commitment to providing a great pillow rich home environment for lounging around-not sitting around, either a great yard or field to run in or lots of walking –hiking-swimming, or daily physical activity, finding safe and quite dog parks if that is going to be the exercise area, finding a good vet who knows sight hounds and their specific needs, never raising your voice in anger to this sensitive breed, teach them to sit first and always make good eye contact when training, give them variety in their diet, establish good recall traits through training so you can do off leash activities, get them used to having their nails trimmed or filed early as well as their ears cleaned by you not the vet, let them tell you when they are comfortable with other dogs, although they are very clean by nature a bath once in a while as well as tooth brushing-and coat brushing keeps this breed looking good, give them plenty of praise and a variety of special treats when leaving them home, although they seem to have good control take them out on a regular schedule, and always travel with a blanket pillow or mat for them to lie on.

Most important and getting back to the title; be prepared! As a whippet owner there is a safety facture we should all be aware of. Whippets do not get along well with certain breeds. Our experience is when they shy away or plant their feet don’t force it. Whippets are built for speed and can suffer back injuries if jumped upon- in rough play. Even though they can out run most all breeds that does not insure their safety. Whippets have only 1 layer of hair, minimal body fat if any at all, and thin skin. If a whippet plays with a nippy dog it can be a recipe for disaster and just regular play can result in a serious cut or worse a skin tear.

“Recently we were at the dog park for some morning fun, with some dogs that Zara wanted to play with. They romped around chased each other and Zara proved she could outrun and keep two dogs busy while showing off here running and maneuvering skills, it was wonderful to watch as she baited and challenged the other dogs. We all watched and enjoyed our dogs at play and then in an instant it stopped and Zara recoiled and all went still; in play Zara was cut on her hind leg. There was no fault it was just play. For the long haired dogs with undercoats this never would have happened for Zara it was severe. We immediately left the park and headed for the 24 hour emergency center. The result was 6 or 7 stitches a drain, anesthesia, and 2 weeks and several vet visits. As a responsible pet owner of a Whippet no questions asked you have to be prepared to do what is needed” with action and $s….
To all my friends and Whippet owners, enjoy your pets and take good care…
Comments and questions are welcome
Below is a gallery of some of the activities Zara gets to do…and she is always well behaved…

Oh no . Sending healing thoughts !