The Relevance of Experience…

The Hoover Dam. Built to help regulate water flow…still in use today

Sit down and have an honest discussion with yourself. Don’t waste time, don’t put it off and by all means be objective even a little tough on yourself. The days of state of the art lasting several years are over. Today changes come abruptly and without much notice. Positions and entire job categories disappear do to changes in business conditions, software and product requirements.

Don’t wait to find out you are being left behind. You can be doing a Continue reading The Relevance of Experience…

Little Niche-Big Opportunities…


Niche markets have existed in the United States since the beginning of consumerism however it was not officially documented until 1940 when  “Pepsi launched a targeted Campaign” that yielded  valuable results. Many small businesses have grown and prospered within niches. As a point of information small business in America is defined as those employing less than 500; many of us spend our entire careers in this area. The niches that I am Continue reading Little Niche-Big Opportunities…

Did you ever meet a Lama?

Mac…Gail & Alan Meschkow with Granddaughter Raquel

Creating art that works not works of art has been an integral part of my career.  The artistic abilities that many may apply to a hobby have been my Bread and Butter; mechanics, building and golf are my Continue reading Did you ever meet a Lama?


The only reason you buy anything!water-picture-mergedNeed…It all begins the moment you realize you need something; it’s the process of acquisition. Where will I get it? Where will I look for it, where will it be, do I know the path of ownership, do I know who has what I need, am I sure I need it, can it wait; what if all you need is Continue reading NEED & WANT…




Chapter 2

Getting to know me…have you read Chapter 1

Bends in the Road

When you are tall it’s hard to hide, When you’re tall you sit in the back of the class, when you’re tall your good at basketball, when you’re tall you usually have to grow into yourself, and when you’re tall you see things from a different angle. By the time I was 13 I was six feet tall. I was still sitting in the back of the class and never had to look back at anyone. I saw everything the entire class was doing no one watched me. I learned how to watch, listen, observe Continue reading GETTING STARTED II…

Two Brothers named “Crosley” One who thought it…one who asked “how much are you willing to invest?”

Crosley Factory Circa 1945

Crosley Factory Circa 1945

Inspiration…It was a Monday morning and I was off to play golf with a group of my friends. Car talk turned to me mentioning an obscure brand of cars the Crosley and my friend Joe replying with fond memories of he and his brother both iron workers traveling to work in his brothers Crosley and its horrible fate, being crushed by a truck while parked. This conversation led me to doing some research and finding out the story of the two Crosley Brothers. 

The story starts… before the French and Indian war when the west was an area colonized by settlers in what are now Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Minnesota. The Crosley Clan Continue reading Two Brothers named “Crosley” One who thought it…one who asked “how much are you willing to invest?”

speaking from experience

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